A Ryok Live event intr. Into the Eye Event and  Q&A 

A Fantastic download which introduces an upcoming Live event called 

"Into the Eye" which will be on the 26th of April 4pm EST, contact Tyler if you

want a ticket to be there and possibly get to ask Ryok a question.

This article was updated on June 8, 2021

Tyler Ellison

Tyler Ellison is a cosmic channel for the extraterrestrial being named Ryok of the Sassani and is a Universal Healing Tao Associate instructor. He had studied acupuncture and health sciences through the University of Bridgeport acupuncture program, and currently lives in New Haven CT. Tyler Has been studying health, wellness, and mysticism since 2013 and has been practicing channeling since 2014. Some of his greatest passions are music, art, wellness, dancing, qi gong, hiking in the forest, and learning about the nature of reality.